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Paul L. Jones

Senior Technical, Management and Executive

Employed in senior technical, management and executive positions by Canadian based junior exploration/development companies both nationally and internationally. Most recently have been employed as CEO of Nuinsco Resources Limited with general corporate management responsibilities, developing strategies for corporate development as well as other responsibilities such as negotiating terms with potential option/joint venture partners and national government agencies to establish mineral licence and tenure rights and conditions. Earlier was responsible for all aspects of technical program design, budgeting, implementation, management and reporting. Other duties have included regulatory compliance, government liaison (involving representatives from provincial, state and federal as well as national government agencies and Ministries in other countries). Have engaged extensively with investment firms regarding financing and company promotion. Work programs have been both Canadian and
internationally focussed.



Technical advisor, Professor (full) Department of Geology (Germany)

Geological consultant (metallic ore deposits in the Arabian-Nubian Shield) USGS-fellow Ore microscopy- structural analysis and geochemical exploration professional

Awardee of: DAAD, GERSS, SIDA, TEMPUS, TWAS-CSIR, FULBRIGHT, ALEXANDER VON HUMBOLDT Associate/guest editor of: ORE GEOLGOY REVIEWS (Elsevier), REMOTE SENSING (MDPI), Arabian journal of Geosciences (Springer)

Mineralogy; Economic Geology; Remote sensing applications in Geosciences

His research interest is focused on geology and structural controls of hydrothermal ore deposits, stable isotope systematics of mineral deposits, structural geology, hyperspectral remote sensing, Radar and Radiomter data for geological mapping, gold and base metal metallogeny of orogenic belts, rare metal-bearing granites, fluid inclusions, micro-thermometry and Raman spectroscopy.


Dr. Laura Giroux

Associate Geologist (Canada)

Dr. J. Franklin

Geochemist & QA/QC Samples Reporting ODM (Canada)

Dr. C.W. Baker

Satellite Imagery Interpretation (Australia)